Sweet Spot Sneak Peek

FREE preview of the Sweet Spot Experience

Course Summary

Try out a few modules of the Sweet Spot Experience course - a practical online course to equip you with the road map + strategy to find your career sweet spot and then actually land the job.

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Course Curriculum

Katelyn Richards & Amber Ayers

We’re a life coach + career coach duo and we’ve combined our super powers to bring you the ultimate career clarity + job search strategy experience so you can upgrade your toxic work environment to land a job at a company where you can thrive.

You can find lots of job search help out there, but here’s what we’ve learned: most resources either offer great career clarity without the practical job search strategy, or they jump straight into job search tactics without taking time to get personal clarity and ensure that the job you land is *actually* going to at a company that you love.

We believe there’s a special journey to get from dreaded Mondays to waking up excited to start the week saying, “Heck YES, I love what I do.” 

We created the Sweet Spot experience that walks you through the personal clarity work (aka “soul searching”) so that you can finally win at job searching. Our process will help you actually land the role doing work that makes you come alive at a company that matches your values and allows you to thrive.

Ready to join us on the journey that will absolutely change your life and career for good? Let’s go.